Once in a Lifetime Volcano Hike

5:56 AM

Amber and I decided to check out Volcan Ipala on Monday. It is an active Volcano that is especially unique because there is a lake on top of it. Yep, an active volcano with a lake on top. Cool, right? Well we are calling this a once a Once in a Lifetime Volcano Hike because afterwards, we decided to NEVER do it again lol!  

We were so unprepared for this hike. We had the wrong shoes on, the climb was extremely steep and rocky and somebody told us it would only take 30 minutes...they lied. We asked ourselves why in the world we decided to do this at least 10 times on the way up but once we got to the top, the view was beautiful! Definitely worth the sweat soaked clothes and sore muscles!

Funny Story- Guatemalans are not used to seeing black people. And when they do, they automatically assume that we are from Livingston, Guatemala. Livingston is on the Caribbean cost. It's where a slave shipped wrecked in the 1600s. (I will do a post about that later.) Anywho, this Volcano is out in the countryside of Guatemala...almost the equivalent of a hick town in Texas. The guide had so many questions about Black people and was just so excited to tell me that when he lived in the US for 3 years, he worked at Church's Chicken and they had a lot of Black customers. Lol!

That's the Volcano! Our driver took us halfway up and we had to climb the rest. 

View of the country side as we were climbing.

This man let us ride his horse for a bit to rest our legs.

Amber's first horse ride!

There was a weird pink substance in the lake. The tour guide said he had never seen it before in his life. Yikes,

Refecting and taking it all in.

Whew! We made it!

Our tour guide and one of his cows that was wandering the trail.

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